During a captivating exhibition at the Nancy Poirel Gallery, a unique carpet adorned the floor, its vibrant design featuring planets, asteroids, and cosmic particles. Inspired by this celestial artwork, I conceived a series of four pillows that mimic the weightless posture of astronauts during liftoff. This neutral body position, where the heart effortlessly pumps blood throughout the body, promotes relaxation and tranquility.
To recreate this serene posture, I employed a simple yet innovative technique. By repurposing cardboard cutouts, precisely shaped with a laser cutter, I created the structural foundation for each pillow. The absence of glue in the assembly process added to the project’s eco-conscious nature. Finally, I carefully folded and stitched sections of the gallery carpet onto the cardboard frames, transforming the once-ordinary material into a stunning, handcrafted textile. This fusion of design and repurposing not only honored the original artwork but also breathed new life into the discarded carpet.

During the Paris Design Week 2016, I have been presenting the concept and the story of this project.